
Our capabilities center around a shared bio equipment laboratory and a world-class ultrafast optical science laboratory. The former features a variety of characterization tools for biomaterials and the latter features three state-of-the-art, high-intensity chirped pulse amplification systems and a large array of femtosecond laser oscillators for imaging and spectroscopy. These sources are capable of generating and controlling electromagnetic radiation spanning from the x-ray regime to millimeter waves (terahertz).

Shared EquipmentDescription
Roche LightCycler 480 Real-Time PCR SystemReal-time PCR system that allows the measurement of gene expression levels
EMD Millipore Guava easyCyte 6-2L Flow Cytometer2 laser system (488 nm, 640 nm) with forward and side scatter and 4 color emission detection
Olympus Fluoview 10iLaser scanning confocal microscope
Olympus IX81 inverted microscope/Hamamatsu 16 bit CCDBright field, Hoffman modulation, and fluorescence microscopy with programmable XYZ motorized stage
Krebs labDescription
Tissue culture facilitiesClass IIA/B3 biosafety cabinets, double stack Thermo Scientific Forma humidified CO2 incubators, a Thermo Scientific Sorvall refrigerated centrifuge, Thermolyne Locator 8 cryostorage tank, and a Motic AE2000 inverted microscope.
Nikon TE2000S MicroscopeInverted, fluorescent microscope with Luminera Infinity 3-1M camera
Olympus BX-41 MicroscopeUpright light microscope
Retsch AS200 Control Siever ShakerAllows sieving of polymer or porogen particles to specific size ranges
Labconco LyophilizerFreeze dryer with 4.5 L capacity
Mark-10 Mechanical Testing UnitCapable of compressive and tensile testing
Cash labDescription
Avantes ULS2014L Modular spectrometer systemThis modular fiber-optic based system can collect colorometric and reflectance data for the nanosensors in 1 cm cuvettes or dried on glass slides. Light sources include white light sources (Xe flash) and lasers (405nm, 445nm, 532nm, 650nm, 980nm) for excitation.
BioTek Synergy H1 Multimode Plate ReaderCapable of absorbance and fluorescence measurements, with both filter and monochromater based light paths. This system is also equipped with two reagent injection systems, and is capable of measurements in well plates (1-well through 384-well), standard 1 cm cuvettes, and 2 μL samples.
Marr LabDescription
Olympus OpenStand MicroscopeOpen format microscope with motorized stage capable of epi and trans illumination, fluorescence and DIC.
Other MicroscopesZeiss Axioplan 2 and an Olympus IX81 microscope
Magnetic Field SetupsIntegrated within both commercial and home-built microscopes, three home-built 3D field application setups are available. These include analog input and output cards (National Instruments) and amplifiers (Behringer) to apply and monitor coil currents.
Microfluidic Device Fabrication FacilitiesFabrication facilities including a CEE spinner, ovens, and a plasma bonder are available.
Squier labSpecifications
TW Ti:sapphire kilohertz Chirped Pulse Amplification system (Terawatt arm)This laser is designed to produce 20-fs, 15 mJ pulses at a repetition rate of 1 kHz, for a peak power of ~1 TeraWatt.
TW kilohertz (Millijoule arm)This low intensity arm of the kilohertz system is presently operational and routinely used for experiments. It produces 40 fs pulses, 300 µJ per pulse.
Extended Cavity Ti:sapphire Oscillator systemIn daily use, it produces 300 mW average power at a repetition rate of 19 Mhz, and a pulse duration of 30 fs.
Diode-pumped, femtosecond Nd:Glass oscillatorIn daily use. The laser produces up to 100 mW average power at a 100MHz repetition rate, 150 fs pulses at a central wavelength of 1064 nm.
Diode-pumped KGW lasersSingle beam extended cavity Yb:KGW laser oscillator : 50 MHz, 2.7 W average power 250 fs pulses
6-Beam beam extended cavity Yb:KGW laser oscillator : 10 nJ per each beam, each at 18 MHz, 250 fs pulses
5 TW Ti:sapphire Chirped Pulse Amplification systemSystem produces 100 mJ, 20 fs pulses at a 20 Hz repetition rate.